samedi 12 novembre 2016

77 Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Website

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Having been doing Internet marketing and developing websites that rely heavily on natural search engine traffic for the past few years I can say without a doubt the largest challenge that site owner’s face is getting traffic into their website and that doesn’t include getting highly targeted traffic which is looking for your content. “Build and they will come” is nothing more than a slogan on your car bumper sticker.

The second largest challenge, of course, is converting that traffic into your desired result. That could be newsletter signup, sale, new reader, blog comment, new StumbleUpon fans or Twitter followers, or even just a new friends on your facebook profile.

Key To Success: Multiple Traffic Sources

A website can look professional, have great content and be on the cutting edge of a new wave of creative ideas but without traffic, it’s just like a flyer in the wind. You’ve got to develop multiple inroads into your website using as many different methods and strategies as possible. Never place your eggs in one basket, keep things varied and then you will maximize the growth from your site.
The key to leveraging your efforts is to outsource the work through one of the many outsource services online.

Drive Massive Traffics To Your Site With These Methods

Here are 77 ways you can use right now to drive traffic to your website or blog.

  1. Create Articles and submit to EzineArticles and Goarticles
  2. Viral Ebooks/Reports
  3. Blogging
  4. Comment on others Blogs with Backlink to your site
  5. Get Guest Bloggers to post on your site
  6. Join Interest Groups – Yahoo, Google, MSN
  7. Create Widgets for WordPress ( outsource the work )
  8. Create Widgets for Google ( outsource the work )
  9. Create Extensions for Joomla ( outsource the work )
  10. Create templates, themes ( Outsource the work )
  11. Yahoo Answers – Posting Questions and Answering
  12. Write a Press Release submit to PRWeb
  13. Keep adding Content to Your Site
  14. Write a Book, Publish on LULU
  15. Write something controversial on your blog
  16. Create a review site of your site and others, list you at the top
  17. Keywords in your Image File names
  18. Create Small Product then Create Affiliate Program For it
  19. Email/Newsletters – Repeat Traffic
  20. AutoResponders
  21. Monthly Contests
  22. Social bookmarking using or similiar
  23. Safelists
  24. Giving away Website Award Banners
  25. Joint Ventures with other site owners
  26. Giving away articles, audio and video to other site owners
  27. Creating Tutorials on your site
  28. Submit Articles to Newsletters
  29. Ezines like
  30. Organic SEO ( Good Titles, Description, Headers, Quality Content )
  31. Submit to Directories
  32. Using Search Boxes to Traffic Search Items then Provide That
  33. Creating or Using Free Viral Software, giving away or uploading to
  34. Shareware websites.
  35. One Way Links Back To Your Site
  36. Newsletter Directories
  37. Creating Videos and Uploading to Sites, Youtube, Revver etc.
  38. Linking Videos to Other High Traffic Videos on YouTube
  39. Craigs List Free Classified Ads
  40. Kijiji Free Classified Ads
  41. Ebay – Listing Reports
  42. Blogrolls ( To Related Blogs )
  43. Forum Posting
  44. Forum Signatures
  45. Create your own forum
  46. Tag Your Blog and Images
  47. Twitter
  48. Facebook
  49. Myspace
  50. Utterli
  51. Delicious
  52. Digg
  53. MyBlogLog
  54. Linkedin
  55. Bebo
  56. Orkut
  57. Squidoo Lenses
  58. Stumbleupon
  59. HubPages
  60. Free Online Teleseminar – Provide good content
  61. Write Testimonials for products provided by related sites
  62. Beta Test Products, sometimes leads to a testimonial and url back
  63. Get involved in a Community Site, there are 1000’s related
  64. Blog RSS Feeds
  65. Create a Freebies Section on your site
  66. Join Website Rings
  67. Join Business Associations Related
  68. Submit RSS Feeds to Directories
  69. Submit to Blog Directories
  70. Add a Directory to your site
  71. Add Classified Ads area to your site
  72. Create a Podcast
  73. Submit Podcast to Podcast Directories
  74. Submit to itunes Your Podcast
  75. Buy Ads on Sites
  76. Buy Ads in Newsletters
  77. Use Amazon profile and commenting

Page 27 – Web Hosting Secret Revealed

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